Additional colour work

blues and purples image for stitchinggreens image for stitching
greens image for stitching
painted colour samples

I used a dye palette for these samples.  I didn’t use the green in the first image as it wasn’t in the original image, but just loved the juxtaposition of colours.

stitched samples of colour blending

I used both single and double threads in the needle and in the second piece experimented with leaving bits of fabric visible under the stitching.  The threads tied to each piece are samples of each one used for future reference.  I am quite pleased with the way the colours interact with each other – they seem to give a feel of the image.

Then I tried some more circles and curves but feel dismally disappointed with my efforts – however hard I try I don’t seem to be able to get perfect and consistent circles.

further experiments with curves and circles


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