final work

This stitchery exercise is from a small detail of lichen on wall 1 where I endeavoured to show the way the colours blended into each other.  Every stitch was made using two threads in the needle to achieve a subtle blend of colour, but I feel the thinner threads did not work as well,  or maybe I should have used the smaller holed canvas.

I found the paper weaving worked well to develop an impression of wall 2 and the way the stones interacted with each other.

I then worked on my first resoved sample.  I wanted to develop my previous experiment, this time laying the lutradur onto canvas so that when I melted it away areas of the canvas would be exposed ready for hand stitching.  I used maching stitching on the top layer of lutradur, trying to echo all the little spots of colour on the old stones.

My second resolved sample is baed on a close-up of the lichen on wall one:

For this I used a piece of black felt on which is layed a piece of bondaweb painted blue to soften the black.  I used the embelishing machine to felt down pieces of scrim and wool fibre to give both colour and texture. Iused machine stitching for the dark edging in the lichen, finishing with hand stitching.

I am happy with this interpretation of the wall, especially as this is one of the ways in which I like to work.


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