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OUT OF THE SHADOWS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id eros dolor. Sed arcu diam, aliquam quis nisi ac, laoreet lacinia quam. Vivamus sem mauris, vulputate eu est quis, rutrum ullamcorper ex. Vestibulum vitae quam vel leo condimentum malesuada. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus....

Works in Acrylic

Works in Acrylics These six paintings are variations of the same theme. As well as acrylic paint I used stencils with Gesso and collaged additions of paper, scrim and brass cogwheels to give texture and depth. Working in series was new to me and brought up new challenges. Paintings on Canvas  30x30 centimetres £120.00 each...

Blue Rondo

Celebrating the Colour Blue After the wonderful course with Rob Jones at West Dean College, I made up my own indigo vat. I wanted to dye some papers and I also wanted to eco print in a turmeric bath, over dyeing with indigo.  The end result was this book, using papers, fabrics and various other...

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